The craic is usually 90, and sometimes 91. We are famed not only for our on-the-water ingenuity but also for our ability to attract the best chefs, artists, musicians, bands and burlseque troupes. Let us put it this way – Silvio Berlusconi would be coming this year (yes, he’s heard of us) except for the small matter of Covid-19 travel restrictions.

DJ Rig ‘N De-Rig
DJ Rig ‘N De-Rig joins us all the way from Kingston Town, Jamaica. He spins tunes from the early morning until early morning, and then does it again. DJ Rig ‘N De-Rig’s tunes accentuate, motivate, and sometimes castigate. No matter what the weather, he’ll keep you in a good mood and he’ll get you in the right frame of mind for the ODD Racing.

Gala Dinner
The 2014 Gala Dinner was preceded by a Pimms Reception on the North Verandah, giving competitors a chance to compare the latest maritime fashions and nautical gossip. The glitterati then repaired to the Club Dining Room where dinner was served, followed by dancing in the Club Bar & Ballroom. Plans are thus far non-existent for 2021 but we hope we’ll all be pleasantly surprised! Please book in advance to avoid disappointment – places are limited.

All-Night Open-Air Festival
It wouldn’t be the ODD Weekend without the renowned All-Night Open-Air Festival. Plans for 2021 include appearances by Fontaines D.C.*, Gomez*, Vampire Weekend*, Billie Eilish*, Gogol Bordello* and more! It’s going to be awesome! As usual, our fleet of custom built helicopters, motor yachts and limousines will be on standby** to take revellers wherever they want to go, whenever they want to go there!

Junior Gala Dinner
The 3rd Annual Junior Gala Dinner will take place in 2021, and we’ve got some ‘delicious’ food lined up for those deserving youngsters. Also, to keep the rotters quiet while we grown-ups enjoy our own Gala Dinner, we’ve arranged for One Direction*, the cast of Frozen***, and Justin Bieber* to make an evening appearance on the Main Festival Stage! Please book in advance to avoid disappointment – places are limited.

Some Information of Purely Academic Interest
* Subject to confirmation. No reason to expect confirmation.
** ‘On standby’ includes ‘still in raw material form in the earth, awaiting extraction, refinement, moulding, modelling, assembly, testing, fuelling, and purchase and delivery to LRYC’.
*** In 2D cartoon form only, subject to availability.